Sunday, January 30, 2011

Proposal Posted

My project proposal has been posted at the following link . It is also available via e-mail upon request.

1 comment:

  1. This is a proposal to build a home automation system which would be remotely accessible through a smartphone interface. The prototype is to control a thermostat but the project would have infrastructure for additional modules such as lighting, timed sprinkler system, etc. The proposed system has three main components: application software and hardware, web portal, and smartphone interface.

    Proposal Rating
    - Overall Syntax - 5
    - Overall Semantics - 5
    - Overall Other - 5

    This appears to be a well thought-out and viable proposal. The author appears to have significant experience and the ability to oversee the project to a successful conclusion. The proposal is plausible and easy to read. It clearly addresses the scope of the project and concerns related to the stakeholders. I think the main weakness of the proposal is its novelty. The product is not extremely unique and it is not likely to take the market by storm. However it seems to be a solid addition to the product group it represents and as described in the proposal does have several features which are not available in current systems.

    - p. 3 access should be accessed
    - Section 2.4 need "the" before "automation system"
    - p. 6 qick should be quick
    - Section 5.3 provided should be provide
    - p. 11 marked should be market
